Mr. David King – School Quality Control- National Heritage Academies – – 616-389-5802
Ms. Dorothy Scott – School Board President – Timberland Charter Academy – – 231-578-8522
Mr. Andrew Gayle – Partner Services Manager / School Board Liaison - National Heritage Academies – – 616-260-7617
Dr. Amy Dunn – Grand Valley State University – Education, Graduates Studies / Advisor –
Dr. Gregory Warsen - Grand Valley State University – Professor / Graduate Studies -
Mr. Roy Walter - Former Regional Superintendent Imagine Schools, Supervisor at Pontiac Academy, 7 years 248-229-7721
Pastor Gene - Temple Baptist Church (SSIS Middle School Campus) Sarasota, Florida 941-685-4072
Mr. Dan Madigan - Commercial Technology Systems and Monitoring /Systems Dev. SSIS Service Provider 941-932-5785
Mr. Rick - Starlight Transportation – Private / Commercial Contracted Services; Student Bus Transportation, Sarasota, FL 941-957-6761
Mr. Nate Patton - M.S. Principal Suncoast School for Innovative Studies, 941-718-5261
Mr. Steve Altier - Seaside Bank, Sarasota FL SSIS Bank/Financial Advisor, 941-487-1026
Mr. Larry Robbins - SSIS School Board President, Supervisor of 10yrs 941-544-0555 /941-366-5500
Mr. Payton Jackson - H.S. Principal of Pontiac Academy, I was his supervisor for 8 years 313-282-5937 or 248-745-9420
Mrs. Vivian Johnson Former Human Resource Director for Willow Run Schools, 407-595-4264
Mrs. Rose Pond - Former Director of Operations 8yrs, Pontiac Academy for Excellence 248-842-0790
Professor Kevin Harvell - Wayne State University, Professor of Sociology 313-303-1403
Mr. Kevin and Lloyd Robbins - Robbins Reality / Commercial Property – 941-724-2321
Mrs. Carolyn Major-Harper Sarasota School District Title I liaison 941-376-4385
Dep. Sheriff Gary Johnson Sarasota County, FL. 941- 861-5800
Mr. Steve Crump, Principal Sarasota Suncoast Academy, 941-924-4242
Dr. Syropoulus, Retired Saginaw State University, Provided School Board Compliance Training 586-482-7666